Anger Online
Dr. Jim Gordon is known in Hollywood, California as a “passionate fixer of human emotions”. Throughout his career, Dr. Jim has been helping people through one-on-one counseling (BH Counseling), as the host of Anger Management Groups, or as a leader of Domestic Violence Batters programs and classes. In an effort to raise awareness for a stress-free and life-changing way of completing anger management programs, Dr. Jim developed a series of anger management courses that can be completed from the privacy of your home or office.
The Anger-Online website design takes into account the three (3) levels of courses, in addition to providing a detailed overview of what can be expected during each course. The “My Account” section provides course registrants with easy access to their course status and completion certificates. The website is rounded out with suggested reading and a self-help section.
Responsible For:
- Web Design
- WordPress CMS
- Web Maintenance
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Management
- Search Engine Optimization
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