The changing landscape of web design and search engine optimization (SEO) is forcing many businesses to re-evaluate their online presence. Smaller companies may not have the funds or resources to redesign regularly, yet seek surefire methods keep in touch with customers. Larger companies need to drive traffic to their website, and feel pressured to showcase the latest design trends to enhance the user experience. In many cases, simple changes to layout and content, along with the added use of social media, can make your web presence shine. Here are a few tips and tricks from the team at Dalen Design.
In the changing landscape, all companies want to rank highly on search engine results. With this in mind, it is best to understand one simple concept: Google ranks content, not your company.
When a user types in a keyword or search query, Google’s aim is to provide the most relevant answers. Websites are crawled, and Google’s complex algorithms determine what makes website “A” rank higher than website “B”. By providing meaningful, useful, and detailed content, your company can feature prominently in the search results.
In order to boost your Google ranking without breaking the bank, the team at Dalen Design suggests adding a blog or reworking existing content. Focus on using keywords your customers will plug into a search engine. By spending a few extra hours each month writing content, you stay current, keep your clients updated, and improve your visibility with search engines. Bottom line: Content Matters.
With your newfound focus on content, you will want to reach a larger audience, gain exposure and make a statement. This is where social media comes into play. Consider using platforms like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter to share your content. Social media can be used as a promotional resource to engage with customers and peers around the world.
While it may seem outdated in this digital age, conventional public relations and outreach can still contribute to a growing customer base. Network on a regular basis, promote your website and/or content, and develop your brand association. Be sure to list your website on all promotional materials, and take advantage of known icons for print materials to show your social media connections.
Finally, if your budget allows, consider using the paid advertising options to generate content exposure. From paid searches, Facebook ads and post promotions, promoted tweets, and LinkedIn ads, a small amount of money into paid social media advertising can generate profitable results.
It may come as a surprise, but search engines monitor data to determine how users interact with your website. Does a visitor linger, click through to multiple pages and spend time reading? Or, does a user view your homepage and return back to the search results? Every visit made to your site helps a search engine determine the quality. When individuals bookmark, share or continually visit your online presence, your rank is improved.
When building a website or considering a redesign, focus on what your clientele would appreciate. You can almost insulate your online presence by offering visitors an easy-to-use, straightforward navigation, coupled with rich and relevant content.
In the changing landscape of web design and search engine optimization, remember no single website update can ensure your online presence ranks number one. Give thought to what your site visitors might be seeking, and consider ways to engage and grab their attention. From improved content, developing social media relationships or tweaking your site to bolster its first impression, there are many ways to make your business shine.
At Dalen Design, we have helped over 50 clients in Ottawa, Ontario and across Canada define their online vision and communications. If you find yourself struggling to gain exposure, would like a website review, or need assistance with content writing, we can help. Contact Dalen Design today.