In recent months, WordPress security vulnerabilities in numerous plugins made headlines worldwide. Furthermore, Sucuri Security cautioned thousands of WordPress users to be aware sites had been hacked. Concealed SPAM pages could have been added to the wp-includes directory. This concealment made it harder for some WordPress site owners to determine if their website was affected. While Sucuri Security could not offer “definitive proof”, the common denominator proved to be out of date software.
Add this hacking information to the latest in critical vulnerabilities (All in One SEO and MailPoet are prime examples), and we uncover the perfect reason for performing regular WordPress security updates. With SQL injections, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting becoming more routine, it pays to become comfortable with updating.
Thankfully, WordPress features a simple updating process for its core files and plugins. Site owners should endeavour to setup a monthly maintenance schedule, check for updates, and install accordingly. It is also suggested to review directories to ensure unknown files have not been installed. Bottom line: a few minutes each month can help protect your brand image and keep your WordPress site running efficiently.
Dalen Design is a full-service design company based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. From graphic design, to website development, e-commerce solutions and WordPress security updates, our team is always up to a challenge. Contact us today, and learn how Dalen Design can reduce the stress associated with website creation and maintenance.